At work in over 2,700 American cities — and now, other countries.
Community Impact Training

Here you will find training resources on a variety of topics. These will increase your knowledge and understanding as “how to” take the next steps in transforming people lives and the community where they live, work, and raise their families. These resources include the following...
- Collective Impact Video Training Series
- Care Networking Field Guides in PDF format
- Technology Training for Users of CharityTracker and OasisInsight
The Power of Connect
Learn how to build capacity for collective impact — a strategic plan for "moving the needle" on poverty, hunger, health disparities, and other complex challenges.
This video training series is designed to empower those who “welcome the challenge” of helping individuals and families live healthier, happier, and more meaningful lives. You will learn how to jump-start and accelerate transformative processes that lead to a desirable future that most people want; and now, can make it happen!
FREE Implementation Field Guide
Learn how to build a community-wide Care Network that mobilizes resources in real-time, increases cooperation among helping agencies, and improves coordination of care. Agencies will learn how to combine their unique strengths and collectively tackle tough community challenges with greater force and success.
Guide covers Seven Steps for Successful Launch & Sustainability of a well-connected and broadly distributed Care Network. Each steps includes the following community impact strategies:
- Key Challenges That Must Be Addressed
- Actions Steps That Ensure Forward Progress
- Measurable Results That Make Sense to Stakeholders
Download PDFTraining Videos

Funding is Changing — are you ready?
Across the country, conversations are shifting among funders — especially donors, foundations, and government. Experts suggest that we need innovative tools that do more than simply count the number of programs offered or the number of people served. We also need to measure outcomes and impact — the successful results of our efforts and how much people's lives are transformed. So, how do we know if things are really working.

Care Networking
Learn how Care Networking is revolutionizing the way people's lives, and their communities, are being transformed. Care Networks bring together a large host of passionate caregivers who are driven by faith, hope, and love. It connects caregivers who are dedicated to working together to impact the lives of children, adults, and families. This is a model of community care is unlike anything most people have ever seen. And, it is now happening across the country.

The Power of Connect
Learn how to use revolutionary tools to maximize the collective caring power of your community. New breakthrough in innovative technology and capacity-building tools now make it possible to "move the needle" on poverty, hunger, health disparities, and more.

CharityTracker Implementation Guide
Your "next step" in launching and growing your Care Network in your community.

How to Address the Challenge of Government Supported HMIS Technology
Learn how to address the challenge of getting all your helping agencies to work together for common good and greater impact.
CharityTracker & OasisInsight Featured Videos
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